US Forest Service conducting prescribed burn June 28, 2023
Forest Service News Release
Public Affairs Specialist: Lana Longwell
(719) 318-7749
South Plate Ranger District plans prescribed burn in Jefferson County Conifer, Colo., June 09, 2023 - The Pike-San Isabel National Forests & Cimarron and Comanche National Grasslands South Platte Ranger District plans to burn up to 300 acres in the Sand Draw/Little Scraggy area of Jefferson County in the coming weeks.
Implementation of the Sand Springs prescribed fire is expected to begin as soon as weather and forest vegetation conditions meet project objectives. The public will receive notification prior to implementation via email if signed up for notifications. The project is a continuation of the hazardous fuels management projects the South Platte Ranger District has implemented to improve forest health, minimize the risk to firefighters, and improve public safety. Prescribed fire is an effective land management tool used to reduce the accumulation of hazardous fuels and to lessen the impacts of future wildfires. Burning may occur in June or July of 2023.
Ignitions will take place when weather and fuel conditions are such that the fire behavior will be within the burn plan limitations and substantial smoke impacts are unlikely to affect the surrounding communities. If burning does take place, it may continue for several days to several weeks. Smoke may linger in the air after ignition is completed and be visible from many locations surrounding the area. Prescribed fire smoke may affect your health. For more information see:
For additional information, follow us on Twitter @PSICC NE, #SouthPlatteRD #SandSpringsRX. You may also call the District Ranger at 303-275-5610 or email Sign up to be notified prior to implementation of prescribed fires on the South Platte Ranger District via email:
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